Dell India has come up with its latest offering in the Laptop Segment. Dell on Tuesday announced the launch of an ultra thin Laptop, Dell Inspiron M101z. The new offering comes with the performance of a laptop and the portability of a netbook. It is an ultra-portable and ultra-stylish laptop in a sleek and modern design, which makes it stand out in a crowd.
Speaking at the launch, Mahesh Bhalla, General Manager, Consumer & SMB, Dell India said, “Finally, people can get premium looks, a big display, a full-width keyboard, long battery life and a powerful processor in a laptop no bigger than many netbooks. It makes the ideal companion for women everywhere, whether you are a professional, mom or student.”
Weighing just 1.8 Kg, the laptop is easy to carry wherever you go and the long Battery life gives you the freedom to roam. Inspiron M101z features a full sized ergonomic Keyboard and a light weight durable chassis which is designed for ease of use and to simplify typing and navigation.
The laptop allows you to embrace your inner YouTube star or connect with friends and family using the integrated 1.3 MP Webcam with Built-in microphone. Dell Inspiron M101z offers rich multimedia connectivity. The options include headphone, microphone, USB with USB Powershare, USB 2.0, AC Adaptor, Network Connector Port, HDMI Port, USB 2.0 Port, 7-in-1 media reader.
To keep you entertain, the laptop delivers impressive playback of streaming movies and HD videos. To add more delight, it comes pre-installed with Skype and Syncables Desktop software that makes it easy to synch photos, music, video and data with a primary computer for quick, on-the-go access. The laptop will be available in a choice of four vibrant colors, people also have the ability to add personal style to their PC.
On the technical front, the Inspiron M101z laptop is powered by AMD Athlon II Neo Mobile processorsrechargeable battery]. and integrated ATi graphics and achieves up to 6 hours and 36 minutes [of operation with its standard 6-cell
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